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Batman makes his true BFF known.

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SPOILERS FOR BATMAN VS. ROBIN, PART 1 Although Batman and Superman are regarded as close buddies, he claims that Alfred Pennyworth is his best friend.

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Despite being his butler, Alfred and Batman share a fatherly relationship. Now that Bruce Wayne refers to Alfred as his best friend, his passing is more upsetting.

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The lengthy and turbulent relationship between Batman and Superman began during the Golden Age of comic books. The most dependable friend and ally of Bruce Wayne is Alfred Pennyworth.

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Alfred surprises Bruce by visiting Wayne Manor in Batman vs. Robin #1 by Mark Waid, Mahmud Asrar, Jordie Bellaire, and Steve Wands.

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This topic is intriguing because of the emotional effects of the death and resurrection of a significant figure. The return of Alfred forces Batman to face love and loss.

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It adds poignancy to their connection and Alfred's passing when Bruce Wayne refers to him as his "best friend."

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Batman trusts Alfred more more than Superman with his life, home, kids, and unbreakable relationship.