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Disney Is Considering Tom Cruise For The Black Hole Remake

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Tom Cruise is being considered for the main role in the science fiction movie The Black Hole, which Disney is remaking.

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Right now, the most important issue is probably not whether or whether Tom Cruise could be cast in The Black Hole, but rather, would he want to create a remake.

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Due to the success of his most recent film, Top Gun Maverick, Tom Cruise is currently at the height of his fame.

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The Disney-produced Black Hole remake, which had been in production since 2009, was reportedly shelved in 2016 because the screenplay was "too gloomy" for the studio's image.

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The film has been delayed because it was seen to be too similar to the film Interstellar.

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The first Black Hole film was a mediocre hit and received two Academy Award nominations.

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