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Marvel fans are renowned for their artistic talent. With the exception of Brie Larson's Captain Marvel illustration,

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It went a little too far, but overall Marvel's fandom is brimming with original and inspiring concepts.

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A supporter of the MCU and fan of Henry Cavill has recast the hero of The Witcher as Captain Britain. Viewers may see the strikingly coloured sculpture above.

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On Instagram, a person using by the name @Subi.Ozil posted his imagined image of Henry Cavill in the Captain Britain suit.

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The actor's eyes are a brilliant blue, mirroring the hues of Excalibur in this vibrant piece of art.

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The designer included a Marvel Studios emblem with Captain Britain's title at the bottom to ensure that no one would be mislead by this artwork.

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Henry Cavill joining Marvel as a producer is great, but it will be challenging to promote given that the actor has acted as the DCEU's Superman for almost ten years.

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In 2013's Man of Steel, Cavill got right to work. Since then, he has been busy filming three sequels in which he reprised his Clark Kent character.